About the Club
In the beginning...
It was in the autumn of 2003 when 5 tractor enthusiasts got together and, over a pint at the Hanslope Working Men's Club, decided that a tractor club was very much needed in the North Bucks area. Prior to the first meeting the 5 members distributed flyers, spent time on the phone and relied on word of mouth to publicise the forthcoming event. They had no idea what the response would be. As it turned out over 90 people turned up that night, and by the end of the first gathering 50 people had joined the Club! Since that October night the Club has gone steadily from strength to strength, currently counting over 140 members.
Throughout the year many activities are organised. In the summer months these include: working weekends, vintage ploughing matches and road runs. In conjunction with the Stoke Goldington Steam Rally it is our Club that runs the working and static tractor sections. On farming open days at the Milton Keynes Museum of Industry and Rural Life, the Club often takes part at these events in which vintage machines are seen working, as they would have in the olden days. The Club has on several occasions taken part in the National Tractor Show at the East of England Show Ground in Peterborough. More recently our Club has also been present at the Newark Vintage Tractor Show.

During the winter months Club members meet at the Newport Pagnell Footbal Club, on every third Wednesday of the month. A comprehensive program is planned with guest speakers who travel from all over the country and talk about a wide variety of subjects ranging from tractor pulling to cheese types, bomb disposal or walking sticks!
Ploughing tutorials are given at the working weekend, preparing Club members for the actual competitions.

Four times a year a newsletter is published and is sent out free of charge to club members. As well as interesting articles the newsletter informs members of the various activities the Club is involved in. It is through the newsletter that the calendar of summer and winter events are published. The newsletter also carries a "For Sale and Wanted" section, in which members are able to advertise. Since 2010 the Club has also launched their own website, which aims to reach a wider audience about our activities, as well as posting photographic reports from each of the main Club events.
Chairman Malcolm Foster presents the 2011 charity contribution to Graham Birt of McMillan Cancer Support.
Ian Rogerson (right), the "Cheeseman", is a Club favourite speaker for the winter program.
Ian Rogerson (right), the "Cheeseman", is a Club favourite speaker for the winter program.
The North Bucks Vintage Tractor Club is not only for tractor nuts, but for anybody interested in rural life of the past. Our aim is to aid local charities while promoting and supporting our enthusiasm for vintage farming and the English countryside. We are a friendly club and make sure that all our guests, whether at meetings or at organised activities, are made very welcome. We pride ourselves with the fact that many families and younger people now attend many of our events. New members are always welcome, so why not pop along to one of our many events listed in the diary page and see what we are about!

David Carter's collection of tractors was one of the many features published on our Newsletter.
For general information about the Club or this website, or to request a membership application form, please contact us.