In the summer of 2015 the North Bucks Vintage Tractor Club took a few tractors to Thrift Farm to support one of their events. It was then that the Club developed their relationship with the Farm, a local organisation whose mission is to provide training and employment opportunities to people with learning difficults, as well as providing a jolly good day out to kids in the area! It was on that occasion that the idea of donating a tractor to Thrift Farm came about, and this is now a reality! A David Brown was purchased from a chap who was keeping it at Peter Godwin's. The Club paid £200 for it. The tractor was then moved to Richard Wrays's and Richard and Rob spent a few weekends making the tractor safe. A couple of days before delivery it was moved by Mark Canvin to his premises and Malcolm and him spent a whole day cleaning it and painting it. On Saturday December the 5th the tractor was finally delivered by Mark to Thrift Farm. Johnny Johnson brought his digger and the tractor was set into the ground for the kids visiting the farm to play with. The plaque on the front of the tractor was donated by Rob's dad. It was a NBVTC team effort!
Thrift Farm is set on a 52 acres estate just off Backingham Road, in Whaddon near Milton Keynes. The place is open all year round and organises several special activities throughout the year, such as lambing, sheep shearing, a pet show and a halloween party. You can see more information on our
diary page. Above all, with their link with Buckingham care they help the community by giving troubled people a chance to develop their skills and they employ them within the farm.
You can see a photographic reportage of the day when the tractor was delivered to Thrift Farm in
this gallery! Also, more has happened this month, particularly with our traditional Christmas Road run, which you can see in pictures
As this is the last website update for 2015 I take the opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and happy New Year from your NBVTC webmaster!